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Daily Devotional

Accept the Invitation

Read Exodus 39:1 through 40:38; Matthew 22:1–22

“Many are called, but few are chosen” (Matthew 22:14).   Walter couldn’t wait until he got out of prison. Nothing else mattered to him. The Christian men in Walter’s dormitory invited him to go to chu...

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The Assemblies of God

The Assemblies of God was founded in 1914. Today there are close to 13,000 churches in the U.S. with nearly 3 million members and adherents. There are 86,143,293 Assemblies of God adherents worldwide, making the Assemblies of God the world’s largest Pentecostal denomination.

The U.S. Assemblies of God national office is located at 1445 N. Boonville Avenue, Springfield, Missouri. It houses the Fellowship's executive and administrative offices, service divisions and departments, and warehouse.


Anchors in the Storm

Essentials for navigating difficult times

This Week in AG History -- Jan. 31, 1931

Samuel A. Jamieson was a non-Pentecostal minister and church planter who encountered the Holy Spirit and became one of the Assemblies of God's founding fathers.

Prayer for the Incoming Administration

General Superintendent Doug Clay suggests ways to pray for President Donald Trump and his administration.

8 Keys to Developing Kids who are Responsive in Worship

8 Goals for Children’s Ministries "Responsive in Worship"

How to Lead in a Crisis

A 10-week study for leadership teams