College Heights Assembly of God
Reverend Tommy L Thompson
- [email protected]
- (979) 846-2777
Thank you for your interest in College Heights Assembly of God. We here at College Heights are eager to get to know you and fellowship with you. We believe our Lord has called us to minister in as many ways as the Lord enables. Your presence with us here on the internet is exciting and we pray you will receive benefit and blessing by what you see and read. Our Precious Savior desires that we come alongside Him as He leads us through life’s perilous journeys. Our ministry aim is to be the vessel God needs to touch your life and draw you closer to Him. We believe that the Holy Spirit is enabling us, by every means available, to share the gospel message of the wonderful life, joy, and peace that Christ our Redeemer provided to the whole world through His death and resurrection. Our mission statement is "Pentecostal ministry through the power of revival fires." The power of the Holy Spirit will touch the lives of all who sincerely seek the Lord. The promises and power of Jesus Christ are yours for the taking. We take this special opportunity to share with you the glorious news of life eternal, caring about you and your relationship with our wonderful Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. We pray that your search for truth will begin here as you allow the Holy Spirit to lead and guide you.
North Texas
Section Name
Brazos Valley
Mailing Address
4100 Old College Rd
Bryan, TX 77801