East Side Assembly of God
Reverend Kenneth H Johnson
- [email protected]
- (850) 937-9017
Greetings to you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ! East Side Assembly of God was organized in 1938 under the ministry of Rev. and Mrs. D. P. McDonald. A number of the finest ministers of the Assemblies of God have pastored over the years to produce a reputation that is well known throughout the fellowship. The link key on this site will direct you to a Web Site that will give you more information on some of these ministers. Robbins (Bobby) Lee and Betty Wood are pastoring the Church presently with the help of Rev. Tommy Coleman. The vision of these ministers and the congregation is to see East Side complete the vision and dream that the saints at East Side have shared over the years. WE WELCOME YOU TO COME SEE US TO WORSHIP. The WORD is the HEART of our MINISTRY
West Florida
Section Name
Mailing Address
2990 E Kingsfield Rd
Pensacola, FL 32534