Kingsway Assembly of God
Reverend Philip D Caporale
- [email protected]
- (856) 667-9098
Welcome from the Pastor... "So continuing daily from house to house, they ate their food with gladness and simplicity of heart, praising God, and having favor with all people. And the Lord added to the church daily those who were being saved." Acts 2:46,47 These verses of Scripture give a vivid picture of what the early church looked like. One cannot help but sense the excitement of what God was doing in the people's lives through the presence and power of the Holy Spirit. It is our prayer that the Holy Spirit will continue to be at work in the church and in our lives. Over the past seventy-five years, the Kingsway community of believers has extended the love of Jesus Christ to thousands of people in the greater Camden/Burlington County area. Our affiliation with the Assemblies of God Fellowship of Churches connects us with Spirit-filled churches, missionaries, and ministries around the world.
New Jersey
Section Name
West Central South
Mailing Address
2701 Chapel Ave W
Cherry Hill, NJ 08002