LifeGate Assembly of God
Reverend Benjamin J Dieterly
- [email protected]
- (609) 239-1779
Welcome to LifeGate! We are a small church in Burlington, NJ, focused on becoming fully devoted followers of Jesus Christ - together. We believe that the Bible is true from cover to cover. On a Sunday morning at LifeGate, you can expect an engaging time of worship, Biblical preaching from God's Word, a fun kid's program for the little guys, and a friendly atmosphere. Looking for a new church home in Southern NJ? Feel free to stop by! Our worship service is at 11:00 AM on Sunday mornings, and you can also gather with us on Wednesday evenings at 6 PM!
New Jersey
Section Name
West Central North
Mailing Address
1607 Jacksonville Rd
Burlington, NJ 08016