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God's Word For Today

Daily Devotional

What’s Your Price?

Read Exodus 1:1 through 3:10; Matthew 13:24–46

“The Kingdom of Heaven is like a merchant on the lookout for choice pearls. When he discovered a pearl of great value, he sold everything he owned and bought it!” (Matthew 13:45–46).


The “pearl of great value” is different for each person. Perhaps you gave up everything you own to start your own business, pay for college, or take care of a sick child or parent. Whatever that “pearl” is, your actions identified it as the one thing in your life so valuable that it overshadows everything else you own, and you are willing to give up everything else in favor of it.


Today’s passage tells us that the kingdom of heaven is similar to that “pearl.” Heaven is so desirable that we should be willing to give up everything else in life in order to attain it. Such devotion to reaching heaven requires constant surveillance of our lives, ensuring that nothing else gets in the way. We must continually examine ourselves so no possession, job, relationship, or goal keeps us from reaching heaven. It is that important.


Challenge for Today: Take stock of the things in your life. Are you holding on to anything too tightly? Is anything standing between you and heaven? Make a commitment to live according to eternal priorities.

Quicklook: Matthew 13:44–46